Sergio Juan “Vani” Lub

☼ Feb. 4th, 1953 - Jan. 8th, 2024 ☼

With tender hearts, the Lub family announces the peaceful passing of their beloved patriarch, Sergio.

A passionate inventor, designer, and explorer driven by a profound love for knowledge, our planet, and all of humanity, Sergio traversed more than 100 countries, learning to communicate in seven languages. A steadfast beacon of love, unity, and resilience, Sergio's unwavering commitment to artistry, networking, and activism defined his entire life. He notably pioneered, an online social networking platform established in 1999, connecting conscious individuals globally. His artistic legacy spans over 50 years of jewelry design, with a special emphasis on his renowned copper bracelets (

Guided by his internal compass, Sergio lived by Buckminster Fuller's World Game approach, consistently aspiring to “Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” - Buckminster Fuller

In the face of a 'terminal' cancer diagnosis that came in 2003, Sergio's indomitable spirit persistently defied all prognosis. He embarked on a global quest for treatments, squeezing an additional twenty years into his remarkable journey. He passed away peacefully on Monday, January 8th, at the age of 70, surrounded by his immediate family, with the tender notes of Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" serenading his final moments.

In his twilight, Sergio expressed deep gratitude for loved ones, emphasizing the immeasurable value of relationships and the true source of happiness stemming from mutually supporting one another. His legacy echoes with love, unity, and an extraordinary life well lived.

In honor of his values and life’s work, Sergio’s family has established an online tribute;, to which his family invites all who were touched by Sergio’s presence to contribute to his memory with their personal stories and photos/videos.

Sergio’s Mosaic

“A curious person in the late 20th Century is also a very busy person. New worlds are opening up to us so quickly that it is becoming impossible to keep track. Computers and faster communication has helped us more or less cope until now, but the beat is accelerating.”
— Sergio Lub.

“Each of us functions within the confines of a box that shapes our acknowledged reality. For many, this box begins at birth and persists until death. Those who embrace the concept of past lives and reincarnation inhabit a much broader box. Personally, I am wired to derive great pleasure from venturing beyond the confines of my own box“
— Sergio Lub